Sunday, November 24, 2013

Greater Than Me

Because he who is in me
Is greater than I will ever be
And I will rise
Shawn McDonald's song "Rise" brought me to tears as I was driving down the East/West connecter today. This past week I had a moment of encouragement in my teaching that was humbling. It reminds me of the time when God showed me the lesson of the five loaves and two fish. I am the five loaves and two fish. I am not enough. I need Jesus to intercede so that I can give what my students need. Moments like these bring me to my knees and make me wonder why I ever doubt. Again.

Here is the thing about my job: I feel as though I am constantly under a microscope and judged on my performance all the while being thrown various obstacles that could (and will eventually) impact my classroom. This job is incredibly humbling because I know that I am not enough for them. I can't answer every question. I can't imagine every situation that I should prepare for. But, Jesus comes into my classroom, into my mess, and makes something beautiful of it. I am not the best teacher. But I belong to the best Teacher and that is what makes the difference. It has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with Him. And this is what humbles me so greatly. He chooses to use me, every mess-up, every inadequate lesson, every failure and turn it into something good. This is the God I love. 
And so this is my daily life. Not every day is fireworks. Not every day feels like an "I am so meant to do this" day. But, God is with me every day, no matter how spiritual I feel that day or whether or not I deserve his help. That is the point of his grace and mercy. I know that God is using teaching to humble me and show me how I so desperately need him. And it really hurts sometimes. And sometimes it is embarrassing and sometimes I just want to hide. But, he comes, and gently lifts me, and wipes my tears, and clears my head, and holds my heart while I press on. And though it is messy and though it is painful, it is the most beautiful experience.

What is your messy and beautiful experience? How do you see God in it?

Here is Shawn McDonald's song "Rise." I hope it encourages you as it does me!

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